Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Here is a video about the world cup that is going to start in a week.
I found and here is the promotional video of Brasil but also for the world cup,it contains good music and also goals of all the countries.
I hope you will like it,maybe you have seen it yet but it is excellent.


Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Here is a video that i found interesting because you will see something ever seen made by a Chinese .
You should see it to the end because after all you will understand it.
I found that it has a relationship with circular systems and shapes or molds.
You will see it is good.
I hope you will like it


Monday, 2 June 2014


- Wind energy is energy that is created by using the wind to generate power.
- It is a form of kinetic energy .
- Can be transformed into mechanical energy or electricity.
-Wind energy is a term we can use to speak about all the processes that convert wind energy in useful work.
-Utility-scale wind:
·         Wind turbines larger than 100 kilowatts.
·         Are made with electricity to the power grid .
·         Distributed to the end user by electric utilities or power system operators.
-Distributed or ``small´´ wind:
·         It uses turbines larger than 100 kiliwatts.
·         Smaller to directly power a home, farm or small business as its primary use.
-Offshore wind
·         Turbines erected in bodies of water around the world
·         Not used in United States.

Here are some benefits of using wind power:
  • Wind is a renowable energy : it is a source of energy which can be used again
  • No air or water pollution (contamination of lakes, seas…)
  • Reduces fossil fuel consumption
  • Wind power plants create many jobs
  • Increases local tax revenues(taxes are paid by a greater number of population)
  • Less reliance on foreign oil(you don´t get oil manufacturing or other products from other countries)
  • It’s free(it doesn´t cost any money)
  • Most efficient way to produce electricity (it is cheaper than other ones alternative forms of energy)
  • Secure and safe.
  • Green energy source( doesn´t cause pollution)
  • Great potential(20 times more than the entire human population needs)
  • Space – efficient(more energy in less space)
  • Good domestic potential use (it can generate all the energy that a house uses in a hall day)
4 - CON´S
     - It is fluctuating
     -Not suited to meet the base load energy (demand)
     - Not all the energy storage is utilized ,for example: batteries and pumped hydro
     - Difficult installation: you need heavy upfront investments.
     -Wind turbines can be affected by the wild animals :birds ,bats…
     -How it is used is a legitimate concern for many people who doesn´t know how does  it work   and the elements of them.
-          The location of wind turbines can disturb to the population and the neighbouring can be angry with the situation of having a big ´´giant´´ as skeptics call .
-          Unpredictable (not constant)
-          Cost competiveness(highly debatable)
Wind power is created by different types of wind power generators. The two most commonly used wind machines are:
- The oldest form of technology used to create wind energy.
-They were originally created to help pump water for farming
-Consisted of a tower with a multi-bladed rotary engine.
-The wind would turn the blades, which would then turn a crankshaft that would pump the water.
- Windmills can be used for not only pumping water, but also for grinding grain, tobacco and other spices.
Wind Turbines
-Are the most modern wind machines
 -Also use large blades to generate electricity.
- These machines consist of blades that are mounted on a turning shaft.
-The shaft has a gear transmission box that increases the speed of the blades.
- The transmission is attached to another shaft that turns a generator to create electricity.
- Can be use for charging batteries, pumping water and powering homes.
-The modern ones has a great scale (they are extremely tall)
-Small ones are located near industries, farms….
-Can be located:
  On land:
  -In groups, forming wind farms
  -Feed into national power grid.
  At sea:
-          Low noise
-          More costly location.
-          Special materials used to built it.
-          It increases : costs of manufacture and installation
-          Secure
What is the difference between Horizontal and Vertical Wind Generators?
Wind generator designs are often determined by the axis upon which the shaft of the wind generator is mounted, horizontally or vertically. 
A basic definition of a wind generator is to describe it as a mechanical construction that uses the wind to create kinetic energy, which is converted into electricity. The power of the wind is used to turn the wind generators propeller blades, which is how the kinetic energy is created. This kinetic energy is then distributed in a rotating motion through the shaft of the wind generator and fed into a generator connected to end of the shaft. The generator then converts the kinetic energy an electrical current.(PARA MARINA)
Horizontal Axis Wind Generator
·         An easier design to construct and install
·         Efficient in capturing and converting wind energy (generates electricity from smaller amounts of wind)
Vertical Axis Wind Generator
·         Doesn’t need to be repositioned to capture wind energy
·         Easy to maintain and repair as the mechanical components are mounted on or close to ground level
Horizontal Axis Wind Generator
·         Needs to be adjusted realign towards the wind direction
·         Difficult to maintain and repair as the mechanical components are mounted at height
Vertical Axis Wind Generator
·         A more difficult design to construct and install
·         Inefficient in capturing and converting wind energy (requires large amounts of wind power to generate electricity)

The production of power over time is measured in megawatt-hours (MWh) or kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy.
A kilowatt is one thousand watts. Production of power at the rate of 1 MW for 1 hour equals 1 MWh of energy.
Turbines are now generally in the range of 2-3 MW which if you calculate it is 0.02-0.03 gigawatts per hour.Here is the operation:

Wind turbines do not generate near their capacity. Industry estimates project an annual output of 30-40%, but real-world experience shows that annual outputs of 15-30% of capacity are more typical.
For example, if a 1.5-MW turbine generates power over one year at an average rate of 0.5 MW, its capacity factor is 33% for that year.

7.  MISCELLANEOUS(OTHERS:I will speak about the history of wind energy)
The development of sail boats led directly to the development of the first recorded wind powered device in Persia (the Middle East). Sails were used to drive a mill stone for the grinding of grain. These were seen first in Persia, 500 AD.
1000 AD
As sails developed, wind powered devices became more powerful. Similar devices can be seen in Cyprus and the Greek islands  today. They are still used to pump water for agricultural livestock.

The difference between this design and earlier designs is that the sails are shaped more efficiently to capture the wind. Earlier devices relied en sails similar to tose used by sail ships.
Throughout the 1800s windmill technology evolved slowly. Wind mills like the one above were primarily used for milling grain and occasionally for pumping water.
In the USA wind powered devices like the one shown opposite were developed to pump water. These were especially useful in arid areas were deep wells were necessary to find drinking water.
In the 1800s the Halladay windmill was very popular with thousands been made. This basic design was reliable and was used even up to the 1940s.
With the development of electrical power, scientists and technologists developed ways of producing electricity through the use of wind generators .Experiments took place in Russia, USA France Germany and Britain. In the 1930s one of the largest experimental machines, called the Palmer-Putman machine was first used. This was capable of producing 1.25 megawatts of electricity.

After the Second World War the search for efficient wind power generators (turbines) restarted. In Denmark the Gedser Wind Turbine was developed and operated until the mid 1960s. This was 200 Kilowatt machine. The rotors had a set pitch (angle) to catch the wind more efficiently. The main body of the device was built in a similar way to that of the body of an aeroplane..Developments in the generation of electricity through wind power was slow in the 1950s and 1960s.
Throughout the 1960s, a German Technologist called ProfessorUlrich Hutter designed a number of wind generators that used modern materials such as fibreglass and types of plastics. The lighter materials meant that the device could operate in lighter winds, generating electricity. Slowly , wind powered turbines were beginning to look economic to build and maintain
The rapid rise in oil prices throughout the late 1970s and 1980s the development of wind generators (turbines) accelerated. Recently wars and unstable governments in oil producing regions has led to the understanding that alternative forms of energy production have to be developed. Also, there is a greater understanding that using fossil fuels to produce electricity causes pollution that damages the environment and causes global warming. Modern designs are shown below. They are built from composite materials that are light and very strong.



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