Friday, 31 January 2014


i will give a mark for all of the apps in the list!

1.whatsapp messenger

-i think that its a good way to chat online with friends but also i think that it could be better !  ------- 9
must have!
2. facebook

-good social web ! -------- 8

3.candy crush saga
- i love so much this game it is so adictive and funny ! ---------- 10

4. twitter
- ------ 9

-cool app , take your best photo and show it ! -------------- 10

6.invenio carmen
-good for download music -------------10

7.clean master


good for kids also adults!------------ 7
have you got a familiar, friend ... in other country ? if you have internet you can talk everyehere , every time with him! for free !


last week i found a advertisment of coke in america , it says that its bad for you drink coke... try to see it!

Thursday, 30 January 2014


We have got the beautiful number of 50 posts .First of all congratulations to all of the members of Team E and my friends :Nacho,Luis,Marina and Susana who are working very well.
I´m sure that we will continue with this rithm.



I thought that it was interesting to have more information about nut and bolts because we think that transmission machines are made to use it but before and first of all you have to manufacture them with other machines and workers.So,here is a video of the manufacturing process of nut and bolts of Discovery Channel.
I hope you will like it and found it interesting.


 ALEJANDRO FERNÁNDEZ MORALES                                                                       

Monday, 27 January 2014


              Ignacio Antona


Here is a video of the most visited rollercoaster in the world which is in Australia ,maybe you think that it doesn´t have any relationship with this topic of transmission machines, but it is false because we need pulleys,inclined planes,cranksafts,lots of nuts and make it working and of course to have fun in theme parks.THE WORLD IS TECHNOLOGY AND MACHINES that we use day per day lots of times whithout thinking in the service they give to us.

ALEJANDRO FERNÁNDEZ MORALES                                                          

Sunday, 26 January 2014


Transmission machines are very important, I'm going to talk you about one of them, the levers. Levers are one of the most important transmission machines, a lever is a machine consisting of a beam pivoted at a fulcrum. It amplifies an input force to provide a greater output force, here you can see a video abut levers.


Nokia's fourth quarter results released Thursday are likely the company's last before its hardware business is brought into the Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) fold. Nokia's (NOK) mobile phone and tablet division will be transferred to the company in the coming months, after Microsoft agreed in September to pay €5.4 billion ($7.4 billion) for the unit.

Sales for Nokia's devices business slumped 29% over the year. The Finland-based company blamed "intense smartphone competition at increasingly lower price points" for the heavy drop.
Nokia sold 8.2 million of its top-of-the-line Lumia smartphones in the final three months of last year. Though that's nearly double the Lumias Nokia sold in the fourth quarter of 2012, it's also 7% less than the 8.8 million Lumias Nokia sold in the third quarter of 2013.

Microsoft and Nokia ready for long fight

Smartphone sales typically rise during the holiday period, but consumers proved to be more interested in other options, including Apple's new iPhone 5S and 5C, which were released just before the start of the fourth quarter.
Related: Nokia's ex-CEO set for $25 million windfall
Like Blackberry, Nokia was once a giant in the handset market but has seen its fortunes fade as it struggles to keep pace with rivals. Apple's (AAPL, Fortune 500) iPhone and Samsung's Galaxy S4 and even Google's (GOOG, Fortune 500) new Moto X have managed to capture more buzz.
Still, Nokia's devices business is crucial for Microsoft in its push to take on other gadget makers, as consumers shift away from Windows PCs to iPads, Android tablets and smartphones. Most Nokia smartphones run Microsoft's Windows Phone software, helping Microsoft leapfrog BlackBerry for a very distant third place in the smartphone operating system market, behind Apple's iOS and Google's Android.
Nokia shares slid about 4%. Microsoft is due to report results Thursday afternoon.
After selling its devices business to Microsoft, Nokia will be left with its telecom equipment businesses which also recorded weak results. Fourth quarter sales for its solutions & network unit slumped 22%.


Good evening!

Now, in class I am studying simple machines, and I want to show you some examples of this machines. I put a link where you can watch a video about inclined plane.

If you want to watch more examples about simple machines I put the link of the youtube´s list.



In this post, I want to show you the new youtube´s list for the wind enegy. I hope that you want the videos.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Here is a video about the best machine transmission and also the most simple one that we have now: the pulleys.I think that it is really good because it is a funny way to understand how does this machines work and to know a little bit more about it.
I hope you will like it

Friday, 17 January 2014


Finally all together had obtain the great number of 40 posts.We should continue improving this blog and don´t relax because we have and we want to get the prize of the best blog this semestre ,so are we go and continue hanging posts as know.



Printers and book sellers of Don Quixote reissued the first edition of the novel without editorial intervention or commentary. The editio princeps of the novel's first part (Madrid, 1605) was the basic text reprinted throughout the seventeenth century in Spain as well as in the rest of Europe. It was not until the eighteenth century that a more "scientific" approach to the novel began to appear. In 1780 the Spanish Royal Academy "corrected" Cervantes' masterpiece with its publication of a handsome four-volume edition of the novel. For the first time, editors included a "critical" introduction, comprising a biography of the author, an "analysis" of the novel, a chronological/historical survey of Don Quixote's adventures, a series of engravings, which placed many of those adventures literally before the eyes of readers, and a map of Spain in order to follow Don Quixote's itinerary.
Vicente de los Ríos, the principle editor of the Spanish Academy edition, corrected the textual "errors" of previous editions. Less expensive versions of the Spanish Academy's edition soon became available in 1782 and 1787, replacing other editions of the novel and testifying to its popularity among a wider reading public that could not afford the 1780 original. Mister Juan Antonio Pellicer's five-volume edition appeared in 1797-1798.
And it was primarily the English version of Don Quixote that introduced Cervantes' masterpiece into the mainstream of English prose fiction. Henry Fielding would be the most famous beneficiary of this development. The "ENGLISH CERVANTES," as he would be called by many of his contemporaries, modeled his "new species of writing" ( Joseph Andrews, 1742) on the English translation of Don Quixote.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Then here is another video which explains in detail all the types of energy( 7 types but there are only 8) but it is good to know a little bit more of energies before start to investigate about it.
I hope you will like it because it is really good because of its quality and presentation of the topic(energies)



Before start with the unit of energies i thought that it was useful to know what are the energies to have a base about this topic so it will be good .
I liked it because it contain information  from the beginning to the end and it explains it with images.
I hope you will like it.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


In my group (team E) we decided to do the nuclear energy.But if there is a problem please told us because we don´t know if it is wanted by other groups.

Sunday, 12 January 2014


Now, the cinema is cheaper.
You can go to see a movie on wednesdays and only pay 3,90 euros , this offert will stay only 3 months , so go and have fun!



The Eiffel Tower is the most recognizable landmark in Paris and is known worldwide as a symbol of France. Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, it is a premier tourist destination, with over 5.5 million visitors per year. The tower received its 200,000,000th guest on November 28, 2002.
The structure was built from 1887-1889 as the entrance arch for the Exposition Universelle (1889), a World’s fair at the centennial celebrationof the French revolution. It was inaugurated on March 31, 1889, and opened on May 6. 300 steel workers joined together 18,038 pieces of steel, using two and a half million rivets. Considering the safety standards in place at the time, it is remarkable that only one worker died in the construction of the tower, during the installation of the lifts (elevators).
The tower is 300 metres tall, (986 feet), not including the television antenna on top, which adds another 20 meters, and weighs over 10,000 tonnes (over 21,000,000 pounds). When it was built it was the highest structure in the World. Maintenance on the tower includes 50 tons of dark brown paint every 7 years. Depending on the ambient temperature, the Eiffel Tower will changeheight by several centimetres because of contraction and expansion of the metal.
Perhaps predictably, the tower met with resistance from the public when it was first built, many thought it would be an eyesore. Today it is widely considered to be one of the most striking pieces of architectural art in the world.Originally, Eiffel had a permit to leave the tower standing for 20 years, but as it proved valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to stay after the end of the permit.
See the Eiffel Tower from above, here.The most important event is on January 12, 1908, the first long-distance radio message was sent from the tower(and today is it´s aniversary)


Thursday, 9 January 2014


How well do you manage your time?
If you're like many people, your answer may not be completely positive!
Perhaps you feel overloaded, and you often have to work late to hit your deadlines.
Or maybe your days seem to go from one crisis to another, and this is stressful and demoralizing.
Many of us know that we could be managing our time more effectively; but it can be difficult to identify the mistakes that we're making, and to know how we could improve.
When we do manage our time well, however, we're exceptionally productive at work, and our stress levels drop. We can devote time to the interesting, high-reward projects that can make a real difference to a career. In short, we're happier!
In this article, we're looking at ten of the most common time management mistakes, as well as identifying strategies and tips that you can use to overcome them. These ten mistakes are:
Mistake #1. Failing to Keep a To-Do List
Do you ever have that nagging feeling that you've forgotten to do an important piece of work? If so, you probably don't use a To-Do List to keep on top of things. (Or, if you do, you might not be using it effectively!)
The trick with using To-Do Lists   effectively lies in prioritizing the tasks on your list. Many people use an A – F coding system (A for high priority items, F for very low priorities). Alternatively, you can simplify this by using A through D, or by using numbers.
If you have large projects on your list, then, unless you're careful, the entries for these can be vague and ineffective. For instance, you may have written down "Start on budget proposal." But what does this entail? The lack of specifics here might cause you to procrastinate, or miss key steps. So make sure that you break large tasks or projects down into specific, actionable steps – then you won't overlook something important.
You can also use Action Programs   to manage your work when you have many large projects happening at once. (Action Programs are "industrial strength" versions of To-Do Lists.)
Mistake #2. Not Setting Personal Goals
Do you know where you'd like to be in six months? What about this time next year, or even 10 years from now? If not, it's time to set some personal goals!
Personal goal setting   is essential to managing your time well, because goals give you a destination and vision to work toward. When you know where you want to go, you can manage your priorities, time, and resources to get there. Goals also help you decide what's worth spending your time on, and what's just a distraction.
To learn how to set SMART, effective goals, read up on Locke's Goal Setting Theory  . Here, you'll learn how to set clearly defined goals that will keep you motivated.
You might also enjoy our Book Insight into Long Fuse, Big Bang by Eric Haseltine. This book teaches you how to focus on your long-term goals without overlooking your short term priorities.
Mistake #3. Not Prioritizing
Your assistant has just walked in with a crisis that she needs you to deal with right now, but you're in the middle of brainstorming ideas for a new client. You're sure that you've almost come up with a brilliant idea for their marketing campaign, but now you risk losing the thread of your thinking because of this "emergency."
Sometimes, it's hard to know how to prioritize  , especially when you're facing a flood of seemingly-urgent tasks. However, it's essential to learn how to prioritize tasks effectively if you want to manage your time better.
One tool that will help you prioritize effectively is the Urgent/Important Matrix  . This helps you understand the difference between urgent activities, and important activities. You'll also learn how to overcome the tendency to focus on the urgent.
The Action Priority Matrix   is another useful tool, which will help you determine if a task is high-yield and high-priority, or low-value, "fill in" work. You'll manage your time much better during the day if you know the difference.
You might also want to go through our Bite-Sized Training session How to Prioritize, to further enhance your skills.
Mistake #4. Failing to Manage Distractions
Do you know that some of us can lose as much as two hours a day to distractions? Think how much you could get done if you had that time back!
Whether they come from emails, IM chats, colleagues in a crisis, or phone calls from clients, distractions prevent us from achieving flow  , which is the satisfying and seemingly effortless work that we do when we're 100 percent engaged in a task.
If you want to gain control of your day and do your best work, it's vital to know how to minimize distractions   and manage interruptions   effectively. For instance, turn off your IM chat when you need to focus, and let people know if they're distracting you too often. You should also learn how to improve your concentration  , even when you're faced with distractions.
Additionally, our article on managing email effectively   teaches you how to gain control of your email, so that it doesn't eat up your entire day.
Mistake #5. Procrastination
Procrastination occurs when you put off tasks that you should be focusing on right now. When you procrastinate, you feel guilty that you haven't started; you come to dread doing the task; and, eventually, everything catches up with you when you fail to complete the work on time.
Start by taking our procrastination quiz   to find out if procrastination is a problem in your life. If it is, then learn the strategies you need to beat procrastination  .
For instance, one useful strategy is to tell yourself that you're only going to start on a project for ten minutes. Often, procrastinators feel that they have to complete a task from start to finish, and this high expectation makes them feel overwhelmed and anxious. Instead, focus on devoting a small amount of time to starting. That's all!
You might also find it helpful to use Action Plans  . These help you break large projects down into manageable steps, so that it's easy to see everything that you need to get done, and so that you can complete small chunks at a time. Doing this can stop you from feeling overwhelmed at the start of a new project.
Our Bite-Sized Training session, Overcoming Procrastination, gives you more in-depth strategies and tips for dealing with procrastination.
Mistake #6. Taking on too Much
Are you a person who has a hard time saying "no" to people? If so, you probably have far too many projects and commitments on your plate. This can lead to poor performance, stress, and low morale.
Or, you might be a micromanager  : someone who insists on controlling or doing all of the work themselves, because they can't trust anyone else to do it correctly. (This can be a problem for everyone – not just managers!)
Either way, taking on too much is a poor use of your time, and it can get you a reputation for producing rushed, sloppy work.
To stop this, learn the subtle art of saying "yes" to the person, but "no" to the task  . This skill helps you assert yourself, while still maintaining good feelings within the group. If the other person starts leaning on you to say "yes" to their request, learn how to think on your feet  , and stay cool under pressure.
Mistake #7. Thriving on "Busy"
Some people get a rush from being busy. The narrowly-met deadlines, the endless emails, the piles of files needing attention on the desk, the frantic race to the meeting... What an adrenaline buzz!
The problem is that an "addiction to busyness" rarely means that you're effective, and it can lead to stress.
Instead, try to slow down, and learn to manage your time better.
"Do More Great Work", by Michael Bungay Stanier, is full of ideas and tips to reduce the "busywork" that you're doing, so that you're more excited and engaged in the work that matters. Click here for our Book Insight on it.
Mistake #8. Multitasking
To get on top of her workload, Linda regularly writes emails while she chats on the phone to her clients. However, while Linda thinks that this is a good use of her time, the truth is that it can take 20-40 percent more time to finish a list of jobs when you multitask, compared with completing the same list of tasks in sequence. The result is also that she does both tasks poorly – her emails are full of errors, and her clients are frustrated by her lack of concentration.
So, the best thing is to forget about multitasking  , and, instead, focus on one task at a time. That way, you'll produce higher quality work.
Our Expert Interview with Dave Crenshaw, looking at The Myth of Multitasking, will give you an enlightening look at multitasking, and will help you explore how you can manage simultaneous projects more effectively.
Mistake #9. Not Taking Breaks
It's nice to think that you can work for 8-10 hours straight, especially when you're working to a deadline. But it's impossible for anyone to focus and produce really high-quality work without giving their brains some time to rest and recharge.
So, don't dismiss breaks as "wasting time." They provide valuable down-time, which will enable you to think creatively and work effectively.
If it's hard for you to stop working, then schedule breaks for yourself, or set an alarm as a reminder. Go for a quick walk, grab a cup of coffee, or just sit and meditate   at your desk. Try to take a five minute break every hour or two. And make sure that you give yourself ample time for lunch – you won't produce top quality work if you're hungry!
Mistake #10. Ineffectively Scheduling Tasks
Are you a morning person? Or do you find your energy picking up once the sun begins to set in the evening? All of us have different rhythms, that is, different times of day when we feel most productive and energetic.
You can make best use of your time by scheduling high-value work during your peak time, and low-energy work (like returning phone calls and checking email), during your "down" time. Our article, Is This a Morning Task?   will teach you how to do this.
Key Points
One of the most effective ways of improving your productivity is to recognize and rectify time management mistakes.

When you take the time to overcome these mistakes, it will make a huge difference in your productivity – and you'll also be happier, and experience less stress!


Sunday, 5 January 2014


This is our project about global warming . Conclusion And false film are here, suddenly we Will share the Hollywood film be cause we ha ve some technic problems